China blames united states journalists obama airport fiasco

You're referring to the controversy surrounding the detention and questioning of several American journalists, including a CNN reporter and a New York Times journalist, at Beijing's Capital International Airport in August 2019.

The incident occurred when the journalists, who were traveling to China to cover the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, were stopped by Chinese immigration authorities and questioned about their work and sources. The journalists were eventually released, but not before being detained for several hours and having their electronic devices seized.

The Chinese government claimed that the journalists were being questioned as part of a routine security check, while the journalists and their employers argued that the detention was a form of intimidation and harassment aimed at silencing them.

The incident sparked a diplomatic row between China and the United States, with the US government expressing concern over the treatment of the journalists and calling for their immediate release. The Chinese government, in turn, accused the US of interfering in its internal affairs and attempting to undermine its sovereignty.

In the aftermath of the incident, the Chinese government issued a statement blaming the US for the controversy, claiming that the US had "interfered in China's internal affairs" and "disrupted the normal order of international relations." The statement also accused the US of "hyping up" the incident and "spreading false information" about China's treatment of the journalists.

The incident highlighted the increasingly tense relations between China and the US, particularly in the areas of journalism and media freedom. It also underscored the challenges faced by foreign journalists working in China, who often face restrictions and intimidation from the Chinese government.

In the end, the incident was resolved with the release of the journalists and the return of their seized electronic devices. However, the controversy highlighted the ongoing tensions between China and the US over issues of media freedom, human rights, and national sovereignty.