Children in the new testament

Children play an important role in the New Testament of the Bible. Here are some examples:

  1. Jesus' teachings about children: Jesus often used children as examples in his teachings. For example, in Mark 10:13-16, Jesus blesses the children who are brought to him and says that "whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." This passage emphasizes the importance of humility, trust, and dependence on God, which are characteristics often associated with children.
  2. The story of the prodigal son: The parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) features a young man who leaves his father's house and squanders his inheritance. When he returns, his father welcomes him back with open arms, illustrating God's love and forgiveness towards his children.
  3. The story of the widow's mite: In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus praises a poor widow who gives all she has to the temple treasury. This story highlights the importance of generosity and trust in God, even when resources are limited.
  4. The story of the children in the temple: In Luke 2:41-52, Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph, lose him in the temple during a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. When they find him, Jesus is teaching the elders and scribes, demonstrating his wisdom and understanding beyond his years.
  5. The story of the disciples and children: In Mark 9:33-37, Jesus teaches his disciples about humility and service, using the example of a child. He says that "whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all" (Mark 9:35).
  6. The story of the children in the crowd: In Matthew 19:13-15, Jesus is approached by a group of parents who bring their children to him, asking him to bless them. Jesus takes the children in his arms and blesses them, emphasizing the importance of welcoming and serving children.
  7. The story of the children in the resurrection: In Matthew 28:1-10, Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection, including children. This passage highlights the importance of faith and the promise of eternal life for all people, including children.

These stories and teachings demonstrate the importance of children in the New Testament and the value that Jesus placed on them.