Children's new year prayer

Here are a few examples of children's New Year's prayers:

For a Happy and Healthy New Year

Dear God,

Thank you for another year of love, laughter, and adventure. As we welcome a new year, I pray that it will be filled with joy, happiness, and good health.

Please help me to be kind to others, to make good choices, and to always try my best. I pray that my family and friends will be happy and healthy, and that we will have many special moments together.

Thank you for all the blessings in my life, and please help me to be grateful for them every day. I love you, God.


For a Year of Learning and Growth

Dear God,

As we start a new year, I pray that it will be a year of learning and growth. Help me to be curious and to ask questions, and give me the courage to try new things.

Please guide me as I learn and explore, and help me to remember that it's okay to make mistakes. I pray that my teachers and family will be patient and supportive, and that I will have many opportunities to learn and grow.

Thank you for the gift of education and for the people who help me learn. I am grateful for your guidance and wisdom.


For a Year of Kindness and Compassion

Dear God,

As we start a new year, I pray that it will be a year of kindness and compassion. Help me to be a good friend and to treat others with love and respect.

Please give me the courage to stand up for what is right, even when it's hard, and help me to be a good listener and a good helper. I pray that my family and friends will be kind to one another, and that we will all show love and compassion to those around us.

Thank you for teaching me the importance of kindness and compassion. I will try my best to live these values every day.


For a Year of Gratitude and Appreciation

Dear God,

As we start a new year, I pray that it will be a year of gratitude and appreciation. Help me to remember all the good things in my life, and to be thankful for the blessings I have received.

Please give me the eyes to see the beauty in the world, and the heart to appreciate the people and things that bring joy to my life. I pray that my family and friends will be grateful for the blessings we have, and that we will all celebrate the good things in our lives.

Thank you for all the blessings in my life. I am grateful for your love and guidance.


These are just a few examples, and you can modify them to fit your child's personality and needs. Remember to encourage your child to pray with sincerity and honesty, and to make their prayers a special and meaningful part of their daily routine.