Childish gambito new video

You're referring to the popular YouTube channel "Childish Gambino"!

Childish Gambino, whose real name is Donald Glover, is a multi-talented artist known for his music, acting, and writing. He has released several critically acclaimed albums, including "Camp", "Because the Internet", and "Awaken, My Love!".

As for new videos, Childish Gambino has been relatively quiet in recent years, focusing on his acting career and other projects. However, he has released a few singles and music videos in the past few years.

In 2020, he released a new single called "Feels Like Summer", which was accompanied by a music video. He also released a new single called "12.15.20" in December 2020, which was a surprise release.

It's worth noting that Childish Gambino has been on an indefinite hiatus from music, and it's unclear when he will release new music or videos. However, his fans continue to hold out hope for new material from this talented artist.

If you're looking for some of his popular videos, you can check out some of his most popular songs like "This Is America", "Redbone", or "Sober".