Chief of army staff admonishes nigerian soldiers to eradicate boko haram on time

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Chief of Army Staff Admonishes Nigerian Soldiers to Eradicate Boko Haram on Time

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant General Faruk Yahaya, has admonished Nigerian soldiers to intensify their efforts and eradicate Boko Haram terrorists from the country's territory on time.

Speaking during a visit to troops in the North-East region, the COAS emphasized the need for the military to remain focused and committed to their mission of defeating the terrorist group. He urged the soldiers to work together as a team, leveraging their collective strength and expertise to achieve a decisive victory.

"We must not relent in our efforts to eradicate Boko Haram from our territory," the COAS said. "We owe it to ourselves, our families, and the Nigerian people to ensure that we complete our mission on time. I urge you all to remain vigilant, disciplined, and committed to our cause."

The COAS also commended the troops for their bravery and sacrifices in the fight against Boko Haram, saying that their efforts have significantly degraded the terrorist group's capabilities. He, however, emphasized that there is still much work to be done to completely eliminate the threat.

"We have made significant progress in the fight against Boko Haram, but we must not become complacent," the COAS said. "We must continue to work together to ensure that we finish the job and bring lasting peace to our communities."

The COAS' visit to the troops was part of his ongoing efforts to boost morale and assess the situation on the ground. He was accompanied by other senior military officers and officials from the Ministry of Defence.

The Nigerian military has been fighting Boko Haram since 2009, and while significant progress has been made, the terrorist group remains a major threat to national security. The COAS' admonition to the troops is a reminder of the importance of remaining focused and committed to the mission of defeating Boko Haram and bringing peace to the affected regions.