Chicago to new york car time
The driving distance from Chicago, IL to New York City, NY is approximately 790 miles (1,271 km). The estimated drive time can vary depending on traffic, road conditions, and the route you take. Here are some estimated drive times and routes:
- Via I-80 E and I-90 E: 10-11 hours
- Via I-90 E and I-95 N: 11-12 hours
- Via US-20 E and I-90 E: 11-12 hours
Keep in mind that these are just estimates, and actual drive times may vary. It's always a good idea to check for traffic updates and road closures before embarking on your journey.
Here are some tips to help you make the most of your road trip:
- Plan your route in advance and check for any road closures or construction.
- Leave early in the morning to avoid rush hour traffic.
- Take regular breaks to rest, stretch your legs, and refuel.
- Consider using a GPS or mapping app to help navigate the route and avoid traffic.
- Pack snacks and entertainment for the road to keep you comfortable and entertained during the long drive.
Remember to also check the weather forecast and road conditions before you leave, as they can affect your journey. Safe travels!