Chicago to new york bus

A classic East Coast adventure! There are several bus companies that operate from Chicago to New York City, offering a range of prices and amenities. Here are some of the most popular options:

  1. Greyhound: Greyhound is one of the largest bus companies in the US, with multiple departures from Chicago's Union Station to New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal. The journey takes around 20-22 hours, depending on traffic and the route. Prices start from around $50-$70.
  2. Megabus: Megabus is another popular bus company that operates from Chicago to New York. They offer affordable fares, with prices starting from around $20-$40. The journey takes around 20-22 hours, depending on traffic and the route.
  3. BoltBus: BoltBus is a budget-friendly option that operates from Chicago to New York. They offer fares starting from around $20-$40, with a journey time of around 20-22 hours.
  4. Peter Pan Bus Lines: Peter Pan Bus Lines operates from Chicago's Union Station to New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal. The journey takes around 20-22 hours, depending on traffic and the route. Prices start from around $50-$70.
  5. LimoLiner: LimoLiner is a luxury bus service that operates from Chicago to New York. They offer comfortable seating, Wi-Fi, and power outlets, with prices starting from around $100-$150. The journey takes around 20-22 hours, depending on traffic and the route.
  6. Vamoose Bus: Vamoose Bus is a budget-friendly option that operates from Chicago to New York. They offer fares starting from around $30-$50, with a journey time of around 20-22 hours.

Before booking, be sure to check the bus company's website for schedules, prices, and any promotions or discounts that may be available. Additionally, consider booking in advance to secure the best rates.