Chicago to new jersey distance

The distance from Chicago, Illinois to New Jersey depends on the specific location in New Jersey. Here are the approximate distances from Chicago to some major cities in New Jersey:

The driving distance from Chicago to New Jersey typically takes around 11-12 hours, depending on traffic and the route you take. You can take I-80 E or I-90 E to get to New Jersey from Chicago.

Here are the driving directions from Chicago to New Jersey:

  1. From Chicago, take I-90 E (Jane Addams Memorial Tollway) towards Indiana
  2. Continue on I-90 E for approximately 200 miles
  3. Merge onto I-80 E towards New Jersey
  4. Take I-80 E for approximately 500 miles
  5. Take exit 10 for I-95 N towards New York City
  6. Take I-95 N for approximately 100 miles
  7. Take exit 15E for I-280 E towards Newark
  8. Take I-280 E for approximately 10 miles
  9. Take exit 17 for I-78 E towards Newark
  10. Take I-78 E for approximately 5 miles
  11. Take exit 57 for US-1/9 N towards Newark
  12. Take US-1/9 N for approximately 5 miles
  13. Arrive in Newark, NJ

Please note that these directions are approximate and may vary depending on your specific starting and ending points. It's always a good idea to check for traffic updates and road closures before embarking on your journey.