Chester college of new england

Chester College of New England was a private college located in Chester, New Hampshire, United States. The college was founded in 1847 and was known for its programs in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.

Chester College offered a range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including majors in fields such as business, education, and the arts. The college was also known for its small class sizes and personalized attention to students.

In 2012, Chester College merged with Franklin Pierce University, another private college in New Hampshire, to form Franklin Pierce University at Rindge. The merger created a larger institution with a broader range of academic programs and resources.

Although Chester College is no longer an independent institution, its legacy continues to be felt in the community and among its alumni. The college's campus is still located in Chester, New Hampshire, and is now home to Franklin Pierce University's Manchester campus.

Here are some key facts about Chester College of New England:

Overall, Chester College of New England was a respected institution in the region, known for its strong academic programs and personalized attention to students. Although it is no longer an independent institution, its legacy continues to be felt in the community and among its alumni.