Cheng lim sr project manager at new food classics

I couldn't find any information on a person named Cheng Lim Sr. who is a Project Manager at New Food Classics. It's possible that this person is not a public figure or doesn't have a significant online presence.

However, I can suggest some ways you could try to find more information about Cheng Lim Sr.:

  1. Check the company website: You can try searching for New Food Classics' website and looking for their team or leadership page to see if Cheng Lim Sr. is listed.
  2. Search on LinkedIn: You can try searching for Cheng Lim Sr. on LinkedIn to see if they have a profile and what information is listed.
  3. Check industry directories: You can try searching industry directories such as Crunchbase, AngelList, or ZoomInfo to see if Cheng Lim Sr. is listed.
  4. Contact the company directly: You can try contacting New Food Classics directly and asking if they can provide more information about Cheng Lim Sr.

If you have any more information about Cheng Lim Sr., such as their location or job title, it may help me narrow down the search.