Chemotrics new zealand postdoc

A postdoc in chemotronics in New Zealand! That's a fascinating field that combines chemistry, electronics, and biology. Here are some potential opportunities and resources to consider:

Research Institutions:

  1. University of Auckland: The School of Chemical Sciences and the Auckland Bioengineering Institute have research groups focused on chemotronics and related fields.
  2. University of Otago: The Department of Chemistry and the Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology have researchers working on chemotronics and bioelectronics.
  3. Victoria University of Wellington: The School of Chemical and Physical Sciences and the Centre for Bioprocess Research have researchers working on bioelectronics and bioanalytical chemistry.

Research Groups:

  1. The Chemotronics Research Group at the University of Auckland, led by Professor David J. Schiffrin, focuses on the development of chemotronic devices for biomedical applications.
  2. The Bioelectronics Research Group at the University of Otago, led by Professor David J. McCann, explores the development of bioelectronic devices for medical and environmental applications.
  3. The Bioanalytical Chemistry Group at Victoria University of Wellington, led by Professor Michael J. McEwan, works on the development of bioanalytical methods and chemotronic devices for biomedical applications.

Funding Opportunities:

  1. The New Zealand Government's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) provides funding for research projects through various programs, including the Strategic Science Investment Fund and the Marsden Fund.
  2. The Royal Society of New Zealand's Marsden Fund provides funding for research projects in all fields, including chemistry and bioengineering.
  3. The University of Auckland's Faculty of Science's Research Development Fund provides funding for research projects and postdoctoral research fellowships.

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships:

  1. The University of Auckland's Postdoctoral Research Fellowships provide funding for postdoctoral researchers to work on specific research projects.
  2. The Royal Society of New Zealand's Postdoctoral Fellowships provide funding for postdoctoral researchers to work on research projects in New Zealand.
  3. The New Zealand Government's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) provides funding for postdoctoral research fellowships through various programs.

Networking Opportunities:

  1. Attend conferences and workshops in chemotronics and related fields, such as the annual Chemotronics Conference in Auckland.
  2. Join professional organizations, such as the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry and the Australasian Society for Biomaterials and Biodevices.
  3. Connect with researchers and professionals in the field through social media platforms, such as LinkedIn and ResearchGate.

I hope this information helps you in your search for a postdoc in chemotronics in New Zealand!