Chemical engineering news

Here are some recent news articles and updates from the field of chemical engineering:

Research and Development

  1. Breakthrough in Carbon Capture Technology: Scientists have developed a new material that can capture carbon dioxide from power plant emissions more efficiently and cost-effectively than existing technologies. (Source: Chemical & Engineering News)
  2. New Catalyst for Sustainable Fuels: Researchers have discovered a new catalyst that can convert biomass into sustainable fuels, such as diesel and jet fuel, with higher efficiency and lower costs. (Source: ScienceDaily)
  3. Advances in Biodegradable Plastics: Scientists have developed new biodegradable plastics that can replace traditional plastics in packaging and other applications, reducing plastic waste and pollution. (Source: Environmental Science & Technology)

Industry and Applications

  1. Chemical Industry Growth: The global chemical industry is expected to grow at a rate of 3.5% per year, driven by increasing demand for plastics, fertilizers, and pharmaceuticals. (Source: ICIS)
  2. New Refinery Technologies: Companies are developing new technologies to improve the efficiency and sustainability of refineries, including the use of renewable energy and advanced process control systems. (Source: Hydrocarbon Processing)
  3. Advances in Water Treatment: Researchers have developed new technologies for water treatment, including advanced oxidation processes and membrane bioreactors, to improve water quality and reduce pollution. (Source: Water Research)

Awards and Recognition

  1. ACS Award Winners: The American Chemical Society (ACS) has announced the winners of its 2022 awards, recognizing outstanding contributions to the field of chemical engineering and related fields. (Source: ACS)
  2. IChemE Awards: The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) has announced the winners of its 2022 awards, recognizing excellence in chemical engineering and process safety. (Source: IChemE)
  3. AIChE Awards: The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) has announced the winners of its 2022 awards, recognizing outstanding contributions to the field of chemical engineering and related fields. (Source: AIChE)

Education and Training

  1. Online Courses in Chemical Engineering: Online learning platforms are offering courses and certifications in chemical engineering, providing professionals with opportunities for upskilling and reskilling. (Source: Coursera)
  2. Mentorship Programs: Professional organizations, such as AIChE and IChemE, are launching mentorship programs to connect students and young professionals with experienced chemical engineers and industry experts. (Source: AIChE)
  3. Research Opportunities: Universities and research institutions are offering research opportunities in chemical engineering, providing students and professionals with hands-on experience and the chance to contribute to cutting-edge research projects. (Source: University of California, Berkeley)

These are just a few examples of the latest news and updates from the field of chemical engineering. I hope you find them interesting and informative!