Chelsy davy latest news

Chelsy Davy is a Zimbabwean-born British lawyer and former girlfriend of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex. Here are some of the latest news and updates about her:

Recent News:

  1. Law Career: Chelsy Davy has been focusing on her law career and has been working as a lawyer in London. She has been involved in several high-profile cases, including a recent case involving a British businessman.
  2. Personal Life: Chelsy has been keeping a low profile in recent years, but she has been spotted attending various events and parties in London. She has also been seen with her friends and family, including her mother, who is a Zimbabwean diplomat.
  3. Prince Harry: Chelsy and Prince Harry have remained on good terms despite their split in 2011. They have been spotted together on several occasions, including at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in 2018.
  4. Zimbabwean Roots: Chelsy has been proud of her Zimbabwean heritage and has been involved in several charitable initiatives to support her homeland. She has also been a vocal advocate for women's rights and education in Zimbabwe.

Recent Interviews:

  1. The Telegraph: In a recent interview with The Telegraph, Chelsy spoke about her life after Prince Harry and her career as a lawyer. She also opened up about her experiences as a Zimbabwean woman in the UK.
  2. The Times: In another interview with The Times, Chelsy discussed her views on the royal family and her experiences as a member of the royal circle.

Social Media:

Chelsy Davy is not very active on social media, but she can be found on Instagram under the handle @chelsydavy. She has a relatively small following, but she occasionally posts updates about her life and work.

Recent Photos:

Chelsy has been spotted at various events and parties in London, including a recent charity gala and a friend's wedding. You can find recent photos of her on various celebrity news websites and social media platforms.

Overall, Chelsy Davy has been keeping a low profile in recent years, but she has been making headlines with her law career and charitable work. She remains a popular figure in the UK and Zimbabwe, and her fans continue to follow her updates and news.