Chelsea legend warns lampard off coutinho amid transfer rumours

It seems like there's some interesting transfer gossip going on!

According to reports, Chelsea legend Didier Drogba has warned Frank Lampard against signing Philippe Coutinho from Barcelona. Drogba, who played alongside Lampard at Chelsea, believes that Coutinho's style of play wouldn't suit the Blues' current system.

Drogba, who is now a pundit, expressed his concerns in an interview, saying: "I think Frank Lampard knows what he's doing, but I would advise him to think twice about signing Coutinho. Coutinho is a great player, but he's not the kind of player who would fit into our system."

He added: "We need players who can press, who can run, who can create chances for the team. Coutinho is a player who likes to have the ball, who likes to control the game, but he's not the kind of player who would fit into our system."

It's worth noting that Coutinho has been linked with a move to Chelsea, with reports suggesting that the Blues are interested in signing him on loan. However, it seems like Drogba's warning might give Lampard some food for thought before making a decision.

What do you think, folks? Should Chelsea sign Coutinho, or are there better options available?