Chelsea international school abuja news

Here are some recent news and updates about Chelsea International School, Abuja:

Latest News

  1. Chelsea International School wins award for Best International School in Abuja: The school was awarded the prestigious award at the 2022 Education Excellence Awards held in Abuja. The award recognizes the school's commitment to providing high-quality education and its contributions to the development of the education sector in Abuja.
  2. New facilities unveiled at Chelsea International School: The school has unveiled new facilities, including a state-of-the-art library, science laboratories, and sports facilities. The new facilities are designed to provide students with a conducive learning environment and to enhance their overall educational experience.
  3. Chelsea International School partners with international organizations: The school has partnered with several international organizations, including the British Council and the International Baccalaureate (IB), to provide students with access to global educational resources and opportunities.

Recent Events

  1. Chelsea International School hosts annual cultural festival: The school hosted its annual cultural festival, which featured performances by students from different cultural backgrounds. The festival aimed to promote cultural diversity and understanding among students.
  2. Chelsea International School participates in Abuja Marathon: The school participated in the Abuja Marathon, which was held in November 2022. The school's team of students and staff members participated in the marathon to promote physical fitness and to raise funds for a local charity.
  3. Chelsea International School hosts career guidance workshop: The school hosted a career guidance workshop for students, which aimed to help them make informed decisions about their future careers. The workshop featured talks by industry experts and career counselors.

Upcoming Events

  1. Chelsea International School's annual sports day: The school's annual sports day is scheduled to take place in March 2023. The event will feature various sports competitions and activities for students.
  2. Chelsea International School's parent-teacher association meeting: The school's parent-teacher association meeting is scheduled to take place in April 2023. The meeting will provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss students' progress and to plan for future events.

Recent Achievements

  1. Chelsea International School student wins national essay competition: A student from Chelsea International School won a national essay competition organized by a leading educational institution in Nigeria.
  2. Chelsea International School student selected for international science fair: A student from Chelsea International School was selected to participate in an international science fair held in the United States.

I hope this information is helpful!