Chelsea arent the best team in europe right now muller says bayern dont need to be afraid of champions league opponents

It seems like you're referencing a quote from Thomas Müller, a German professional footballer who plays for Bayern Munich.

In an interview, Müller might have said that Bayern Munich shouldn't be afraid of their Champions League opponents, implying that they are a strong team capable of competing against anyone. This could be seen as a statement of confidence in his team's abilities.

As for Chelsea not being the best team in Europe right now, that's a subjective opinion that can be debated. While Chelsea has had some successful seasons in the past, their current form and performance might not be considered the best in Europe.

It's worth noting that the Champions League is a highly competitive tournament, and any team can have a good or bad day. Bayern Munich, as a strong team with a rich history, would likely be considered a favorite to win the tournament, but they would still need to put in the effort and perform well to achieve their goals.

What do you think about Müller's statement? Do you agree or disagree with his assessment of Bayern Munich's chances in the Champions League?