Chels tribal trans news live

It seems like you're looking for live updates on tribal transgender news. Here are a few options to help you stay informed:

  1. Tribal Trans News: This is a Facebook page dedicated to sharing news and updates about the transgender community, with a focus on tribal and indigenous issues. They often share live updates and breaking news stories.

  2. Two-Spirit News: Two-Spirit is a term used to describe individuals who identify as having both a masculine and feminine spirit. This news outlet focuses on sharing stories and updates about the Two-Spirit community, including tribal transgender news.

  3. Indian Country Today: This is an online news source that covers news and issues affecting Native American communities, including tribal transgender news. They often share live updates and in-depth reporting on important issues.

  4. Native News Online: This is another online news source that covers news and issues affecting Native American communities. They often share live updates and in-depth reporting on important issues, including tribal transgender news.

  5. Tribal Transgender Network: This is a Facebook group dedicated to supporting and connecting tribal transgender individuals. They often share news and updates about the community, as well as resources and support.

Remember to always verify the credibility of the sources you're using to stay informed. It's also important to be respectful and considerate of the individuals and communities you're learning about.