Checklist for a new external audit engagement

Here is a comprehensive checklist for a new external audit engagement:


  1. Client Introduction:
    • Introduce yourself and your team to the client.
    • Discuss the scope of the audit, the audit objectives, and the expected deliverables.
  2. Engagement Letter:
    • Review and agree on the engagement letter, including the scope, terms, and conditions.
    • Ensure the letter is signed by both parties.
  3. Client Information:
    • Gather information about the client's organization, including:
      • Business description
      • Organizational structure
      • Financial statements (if available)
      • Industry and market information
  4. Audit Objectives:
    • Identify the specific audit objectives, such as:
      • Financial statement audit
      • Compliance audit
      • Operational audit
      • Risk assessment

Planning and Preparation

  1. Audit Planning:
    • Develop a detailed audit plan, including:
      • Audit scope and objectives
      • Risk assessment and risk-based approach
      • Audit procedures and tests
      • Timeline and milestones
  2. Audit Team:
    • Assign a lead auditor and a team of auditors with the necessary skills and expertise.
    • Ensure the team is familiar with the client's industry and organization.
  3. Audit Procedures:
    • Develop a list of audit procedures to be performed, including:
      • Financial statement procedures (e.g., testing of transactions, balances, and disclosures)
      • Compliance procedures (e.g., testing of internal controls, policies, and procedures)
      • Operational procedures (e.g., testing of processes, systems, and controls)
  4. Audit Tools and Techniques:
    • Identify the audit tools and techniques to be used, such as:
      • Audit software and systems
      • Data analytics and visualization tools
      • Sampling and statistical techniques


  1. On-Site Audit:
    • Conduct on-site audit procedures, including:
      • Interviews with management and staff
      • Observation of processes and systems
      • Review of documents and records
      • Testing of transactions and balances
  2. Data Collection:
    • Collect and document relevant data, including:
      • Financial statements and supporting schedules
      • Transactional data and records
      • Policy and procedure documents
      • System and process documentation
  3. Audit Evidence:
    • Gather and document audit evidence, including:
      • Test results and findings
      • Observations and notes
      • Interviews and discussions

Reporting and Communication

  1. Audit Report:
    • Prepare a comprehensive audit report, including:
      • Summary of audit findings and conclusions
      • Identification of material weaknesses and significant deficiencies
      • Recommendations for improvement
  2. Communication:
    • Communicate with the client throughout the audit process, including:
      • Progress updates and findings
      • Request for additional information or clarification
      • Final report and recommendations
  3. Follow-up:
    • Follow up with the client to ensure implementation of recommendations and resolution of any outstanding issues.


  1. Audit File:
    • Maintain a complete and organized audit file, including:
      • Audit procedures and tests
      • Audit evidence and documentation
      • Audit report and recommendations
  2. Client Feedback:
    • Obtain feedback from the client on the audit process and report.
    • Use this feedback to improve future audit engagements.
  3. Continuous Professional Development:
    • Participate in continuous professional development activities to stay up-to-date with industry developments and best practices.

Remember to tailor this checklist to the specific needs and requirements of your client and the audit engagement.