Cheat for new sim

You want to get ahead in the game, huh? Here are some cheats for The Sims 4:

PC Cheats:

  1. Enable Cheats: Press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat console. Type testingcheatsenabled true and press Enter.
  2. Money: Type rosebud to get 1,000 Simoleons. Type kaching to get 1,000 Simoleons and max out your relationships.
  3. Skill Points: Type stats.set_skill_level major 10 to max out a specific skill (replace "major" with "minor" for a minor skill).
  4. Career Advancement: Type career.promote to advance your Sim's career.
  5. Relationships: Type fill_all_commodities to max out your relationships with other Sims.
  6. Death: Type death to kill your Sim (useful for restarting a Sim's life or creating a new one).
  7. Teleport: Type teleport to teleport your Sim to a specific location (useful for exploring the world quickly).
  8. Build Mode: Type bb.move_objects to move objects freely in Build Mode.
  9. Unlock All: Type unlock_all to unlock all items, skills, and careers.

Console Cheats:

  1. Enable Cheats: Press Options (on Xbox) or Touchpad (on PS4) to open the cheat menu. Select "Cheat Codes" and then "Enable Cheats."
  2. Money: Enter Kaching to get 1,000 Simoleons.
  3. Skill Points: Enter Stats.set_skill_level major 10 to max out a specific skill (replace "major" with "minor" for a minor skill).
  4. Career Advancement: Enter Career.promote to advance your Sim's career.
  5. Relationships: Enter Fill_all_commodities to max out your relationships with other Sims.
  6. Death: Enter Death to kill your Sim (useful for restarting a Sim's life or creating a new one).
  7. Teleport: Enter Teleport to teleport your Sim to a specific location (useful for exploring the world quickly).

Remember to save your game before using cheats, as they can sometimes cause unintended consequences. Have fun playing The Sims 4!