Cheapest flight from lagos to new york city

The cheapest flights from Lagos to New York City can vary depending on the time of year, demand, and availability. However, I can provide you with some general information and tips to help you find the cheapest flights.

Average Prices:

The average price of a round-trip economy ticket from Lagos to New York City is around $800-$1,200. However, prices can range from $500-$2,000 or more, depending on the airline, time of year, and how far in advance you book.

Cheapest Airlines:

Some of the cheapest airlines that operate direct or connecting flights from Lagos to New York City are:

  1. Delta Air Lines: Prices start from around $700-$1,000.
  2. American Airlines: Prices start from around $800-$1,200.
  3. United Airlines: Prices start from around $900-$1,300.
  4. Turkish Airlines: Prices start from around $600-$1,000 (with a layover in Istanbul).
  5. Emirates: Prices start from around $700-$1,200 (with a layover in Dubai).

Tips to Find the Cheapest Flights:

  1. Book in advance: The earlier you book, the cheaper the flights tend to be.
  2. Be flexible: Consider flying on off-peak days (e.g., Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays) or during off-peak seasons (e.g., mid-January to mid-March).
  3. Use flight comparison tools: Websites like Google Flights, Skyscanner, or Kayak can help you compare prices across different airlines and find the best deals.
  4. Consider layovers: Sometimes, flights with layovers can be cheaper than non-stop flights.
  5. Look for error fares: Keep an eye out for mistake fares, which can be significantly cheaper than usual. These fares are usually only available for a short period, so act fast!
  6. Use budget airlines: If you're willing to fly with a budget airline and don't mind layovers, you can often find cheaper flights.

Current Prices:

Here are some current prices for flights from Lagos to New York City:

Please note that prices may vary depending on the time of year, demand, and availability. I recommend checking with the airlines or using a flight comparison tool to find the best deals for your specific travel dates.