Cheap tickets to new york

The city that never sleeps! Getting cheap tickets to New York can be a challenge, but I've got some tips to help you score affordable flights and accommodations.


  1. Be flexible with your travel dates: Prices vary depending on the day of the week and time of year. Consider flying on off-peak days (e.g., Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays) or during the off-season (e.g., January to March).
  2. Use flight comparison tools: Websites like Google Flights, Skyscanner, and Kayak allow you to compare prices across multiple airlines and find the best deals.
  3. Sign up for flight alerts: Services like Scott's Cheap Flights, The Flight Deal, and Airfarewatchdog offer email alerts for error fares, sales, and discounts.
  4. Consider alternative airports: If you have multiple airport options, check prices for each airport to find the best deal. For example, flying into Newark (EWR) or LaGuardia (LGA) might be cheaper than JFK.
  5. Look for budget airlines: Airlines like Spirit, Frontier, and JetBlue often offer cheaper fares, but be mindful of additional fees for things like checked bags and in-flight meals.


  1. Book a hostel or budget hotel: Websites like Hostelworld,, and offer affordable options for hostels and budget hotels.
  2. Use travel apps: Apps like Hotel Tonight and Last Minute Travel offer last-minute deals on unsold rooms.
  3. Consider a shared apartment or Airbnb: Websites like Airbnb and VRBO offer shared apartments or entire homes at a lower cost than traditional hotels.
  4. Look for package deals: Booking a flight and hotel together as a package can sometimes be cheaper than booking separately.
  5. Use travel rewards credit cards: If you have a travel rewards credit card, use your points to book your accommodations or flights.

Additional Tips:

  1. Plan ahead: Book your flights and accommodations at least 2-3 months in advance to get the best prices.
  2. Use travel insurance: Protect your trip with travel insurance, which can help cover unexpected expenses or cancellations.
  3. Pack smart: Bring a carry-on bag to avoid checked baggage fees and pack light to avoid extra charges.
  4. Take advantage of free attractions: New York City has many free attractions, such as Central Park, the High Line, and the Brooklyn Bridge.
  5. Use public transportation: Instead of taking taxis or ride-hailing services, use the subway or buses to get around the city.

By following these tips, you can score cheap tickets to New York and enjoy a budget-friendly trip to the Big Apple!