Cheap ticket from new york to lagos

A trip from New York to Lagos! That's a long-haul flight, but I'd be happy to help you find a cheap ticket.

To give you an idea of the prices, I've searched for flights from New York (JFK/LGA/EWR) to Lagos (LOS) for the next few months. Keep in mind that prices may vary depending on the airline, travel dates, and time of booking.

Here are some options:

Economy Class

  1. Delta Air Lines: From $800 - $1,200 (depending on the travel dates)
    • Example: Delta Air Lines - JFK to LOS on November 15th, return on November 22nd - $850
  2. United Airlines: From $850 - $1,300
    • Example: United Airlines - EWR to LOS on December 1st, return on December 8th - $900
  3. Arik Air: From $900 - $1,400
    • Example: Arik Air - JFK to LOS on January 10th, return on January 17th - $950
  4. Ethiopian Airlines: From $950 - $1,500
    • Example: Ethiopian Airlines - JFK to LOS on February 1st, return on February 8th - $1,000

Business Class

  1. Delta Air Lines: From $2,500 - $3,500
    • Example: Delta Air Lines - JFK to LOS on November 15th, return on November 22nd - $2,800
  2. United Airlines: From $2,800 - $3,800
    • Example: United Airlines - EWR to LOS on December 1st, return on December 8th - $3,000
  3. Ethiopian Airlines: From $3,000 - $4,000
    • Example: Ethiopian Airlines - JFK to LOS on February 1st, return on February 8th - $3,200

Tips to find cheaper tickets:

  1. Be flexible with your travel dates. Prices can vary depending on the day of the week and time of year.
  2. Book in advance. The earlier you book, the better your chances of getting a cheaper ticket.
  3. Consider flying with a layover instead of a non-stop flight. Sometimes, layovers can be cheaper.
  4. Look for error fares or sales. These can be significantly cheaper, but be aware that airlines may cancel these fares if they're not sold quickly enough.
  5. Use flight comparison websites like Google Flights, Skyscanner, or Kayak to compare prices across multiple airlines.

Remember to always check the airline's baggage fees, meal options, and any additional charges before booking your ticket.