Cheap places to live in new orleans

New Orleans is a vibrant and unique city with a rich history and culture, but it can also be quite expensive. However, there are some affordable options for living in the city. Here are some cheap places to live in New Orleans:

  1. The Bywater neighborhood: This charming neighborhood is located just east of the French Quarter and is known for its eclectic mix of shops, restaurants, and bars. Rent prices are relatively low, with a one-bedroom apartment averaging around $800-1,000 per month.
  2. The Marigny neighborhood: This neighborhood is located just east of the French Quarter and is known for its vibrant nightlife and arts scene. Rent prices are slightly higher than in Bywater, but still relatively affordable, with a one-bedroom apartment averaging around $1,000-1,200 per month.
  3. The Lower Garden District: This neighborhood is located just south of the French Quarter and is known for its beautiful architecture and historic homes. Rent prices are relatively low, with a one-bedroom apartment averaging around $900-1,100 per month.
  4. The Irish Channel: This neighborhood is located just west of the French Quarter and is known for its Irish heritage and lively nightlife. Rent prices are relatively affordable, with a one-bedroom apartment averaging around $800-1,000 per month.
  5. The St. Roch neighborhood: This neighborhood is located just east of the French Quarter and is known for its vibrant arts scene and eclectic mix of shops and restaurants. Rent prices are relatively low, with a one-bedroom apartment averaging around $700-900 per month.

Some specific affordable neighborhoods to consider are:

Keep in mind that prices can vary depending on the specific location, size, and condition of the apartment, as well as the time of year and availability. It's always a good idea to research and visit different neighborhoods before making a decision.

Some affordable apartment complexes to consider are:

It's also worth considering shared living arrangements, such as room rentals or house shares, which can be a more affordable option.