Cheap bus ticket to maryland from new york

There are several options for cheap bus tickets from New York to Maryland. Here are a few:

  1. Greyhound: Greyhound offers bus tickets from New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal to various destinations in Maryland, including Baltimore and Washington D.C. Prices start at around $10-$20.
  2. Megabus: Megabus is another popular option for affordable bus travel. They offer routes from New York's Penn Station to Baltimore and Washington D.C. Prices start at around $1-$10.
  3. BoltBus: BoltBus is a budget-friendly option that offers routes from New York's Penn Station to Baltimore and Washington D.C. Prices start at around $1-$10.
  4. Peter Pan Bus Lines: Peter Pan Bus Lines offers routes from New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal to Baltimore and Washington D.C. Prices start at around $10-$20.
  5. Tripper Bus: Tripper Bus is a budget-friendly option that offers routes from New York's Penn Station to Baltimore and Washington D.C. Prices start at around $5-$15.

Here are some sample prices for each option:

Keep in mind that prices may vary depending on the time of year, demand, and availability. It's always a good idea to compare prices and book in advance to get the best deal.

Here are some tips to help you find the cheapest bus ticket from New York to Maryland: