Charts used for business news

Here are some common charts used in business news:

  1. Line Chart: Used to show trends over time, such as stock prices, sales, or revenue.
  2. Bar Chart: Used to compare categorical data, such as sales by region or product.
  3. Pie Chart: Used to show how different components contribute to a whole, such as market share or revenue by segment.
  4. Scatter Plot: Used to show the relationship between two variables, such as stock prices and economic indicators.
  5. Histogram: Used to show the distribution of a single variable, such as stock prices or sales.
  6. Box Plot: Used to show the distribution of a single variable, highlighting outliers and quartiles.
  7. Area Chart: Used to show cumulative totals over time, such as sales or revenue.
  8. Stacked Chart: Used to show how different components contribute to a whole, with each component stacked on top of the previous one.
  9. Radar Chart: Used to compare multiple variables across different categories, such as company performance metrics.
  10. Heatmap: Used to show the relationship between two variables, with colors representing different values.
  11. Treemap: Used to show hierarchical data, such as company structure or product categories.
  12. Gauge Chart: Used to show progress towards a goal, such as sales targets or customer acquisition.
  13. Waterfall Chart: Used to show how an initial value is affected by a series of positive or negative values, such as profit and loss.
  14. Candlestick Chart: Used to show price movements of a security over time, with each candle representing a specific time period.
  15. OHLC Chart: Used to show the open, high, low, and close prices of a security over time.

These charts are commonly used in business news to:

By using these charts, business news organizations can help readers quickly understand complex data and make informed decisions.