Chartered institute of taxation of nigeria new syllabus

The Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN) is the premier professional body for tax practitioners in Nigeria. The institute has a new syllabus for its professional examinations, which is designed to equip tax professionals with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the field of taxation. Here is an overview of the new syllabus:

CITN Professional Examinations Syllabus

The CITN professional examinations are divided into three levels: Associate Taxation of Nigeria (ATN), Certified Tax Practitioner (CTP), and Fellow Chartered Tax Practitioner (FCTP). The new syllabus is designed to assess the candidate's knowledge, skills, and competencies in taxation, and to ensure that they are equipped to provide high-quality tax services to clients.

Level 1: Associate Taxation of Nigeria (ATN)

The ATN level is the entry-level examination, and it is designed to assess the candidate's knowledge of taxation principles, tax laws, and tax practices. The syllabus covers the following topics:

  1. Taxation Principles and Concepts
  2. Nigerian Tax Laws and Regulations
  3. Tax Planning and Compliance
  4. Tax Auditing and Investigation
  5. Taxation of Individuals and Businesses

Level 2: Certified Tax Practitioner (CTP)

The CTP level is designed to assess the candidate's advanced knowledge and skills in taxation. The syllabus covers the following topics:

  1. Advanced Taxation Principles and Concepts
  2. Tax Planning and Compliance for Complex Situations
  3. Tax Auditing and Investigation Techniques
  4. Taxation of International Transactions
  5. Taxation of Special Sectors (e.g. oil and gas, banking, etc.)

Level 3: Fellow Chartered Tax Practitioner (FCTP)

The FCTP level is the highest level of professional certification offered by the CITN. The syllabus covers the following topics:

  1. Strategic Tax Planning and Compliance
  2. Tax Policy and Administration
  3. Taxation of International Transactions and Transfer Pricing
  4. Tax Dispute Resolution and Litigation
  5. Taxation of Special Sectors (e.g. oil and gas, banking, etc.)


The CITN professional examinations are assessed through a combination of written and practical exams. The written exams are designed to test the candidate's knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, while the practical exams are designed to assess the candidate's skills and competencies in applying taxation principles and concepts to real-life scenarios.


The CITN professional certifications are recognized globally and are considered a benchmark for tax professionals in Nigeria. The certifications offer several benefits, including:

  1. Enhanced career prospects
  2. Increased earning potential
  3. Improved professional reputation
  4. Access to exclusive networking opportunities
  5. Compliance with regulatory requirements

Overall, the new syllabus for the CITN professional examinations is designed to equip tax professionals with the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to excel in the field of taxation.