Charly boy news

Charly Boy, the Nigerian musician, activist, and entertainer, has been in the news for various reasons over the years. Here are some recent news stories about him:

  1. Protest against police brutality: In October 2020, Charly Boy led a protest against police brutality and extrajudicial killings in Nigeria. The protest, which was part of the #EndSARS movement, was met with resistance from security forces, leading to clashes and arrests.
  2. Arrest and detention: Charly Boy was arrested and detained by the Nigerian police in October 2020 for participating in the #EndSARS protest. He was later released after spending several days in custody.
  3. Support for #EndSARS movement: Charly Boy has been a vocal supporter of the #EndSARS movement, which seeks to reform the Nigerian police force and end police brutality. He has used his platform to raise awareness about the issues and to call for justice for victims of police brutality.
  4. Music and activism: Charly Boy has been using his music to raise awareness about social and political issues in Nigeria. His songs often tackle topics such as corruption, poverty, and social injustice.
  5. Controversy over his age: In 2020, Charly Boy sparked controversy when he claimed to be 70 years old, despite earlier claims that he was 62. The controversy led to a debate about his age and identity.
  6. Health issues: Charly Boy has been open about his health issues, including his struggles with diabetes and kidney problems. He has used his platform to raise awareness about the importance of health and wellness.
  7. Family and personal life: Charly Boy has been open about his personal life, including his relationships and family issues. He has been married to his wife, Lady Diane, for over 40 years and has three children.

These are just a few examples of the news stories about Charly Boy over the years. He remains a prominent figure in Nigerian entertainment and activism, and his views and opinions are widely followed and debated.