Charisma news prophecy 2017

Charisma News is a Christian news organization that provides updates on current events, prophecy, and spiritual issues. Here are some notable news articles and prophecies from 2017:


  1. Donald Trump's Election: In 2016, Charisma News reported on a prophecy by Dutch Sheets, a well-known Christian leader, who predicted that Donald Trump would win the presidential election. Sheets said that God was raising up Trump to be a "game-changer" in American politics.
  2. North Korea's Nuclear Threat: In 2017, Charisma News reported on a prophecy by Chuck Pierce, a Christian prophet, who warned of a nuclear threat from North Korea. Pierce said that God was warning of a "great shaking" that would come upon the world if the threat was not addressed.
  3. The Rise of Islam: In 2017, Charisma News reported on a prophecy by John Paul Jackson, a Christian prophet, who warned of the rise of Islam as a major world power. Jackson said that God was warning of a "great shift" in global power dynamics.

News Articles:

  1. Trump's Jerusalem Declaration: In December 2017, Charisma News reported on President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, a move that was widely seen as a significant step towards peace in the Middle East.
  2. North Korea's Nuclear Tests: In 2017, Charisma News reported on North Korea's series of nuclear tests, which raised concerns about the threat of nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula.
  3. The Harvey and Irma Hurricanes: In 2017, Charisma News reported on the devastating impact of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which caused widespread destruction and loss of life in the United States and the Caribbean.

Other Notable Articles:

  1. The Rise of Antisemitism: Charisma News reported on the growing trend of antisemitism around the world, including a surge in anti-Semitic attacks in Europe and the United States.
  2. The Impact of Social Media: Charisma News explored the impact of social media on society, including its effects on mental health, relationships, and politics.
  3. The Future of Christianity: Charisma News reported on the future of Christianity, including predictions about the growth of the church and the challenges it faces in a rapidly changing world.

These are just a few examples of the many news articles and prophecies that Charisma News reported on in 2017.