Charisma news arch of baal

A great topic!

The Arch of Baal, also known as the Triumphal Arch of Palmyra, is a ancient Roman triumphal arch located in the ancient city of Palmyra, Syria. It was built in the 2nd century AD to commemorate the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus' victory over the Parthian Empire.

In recent years, the Arch of Baal has gained significant attention due to its connection to the charismatic movement and the End Times prophecy. Here's a brief overview:

Charismatic Movement Connection:

In 2014, the charismatic Christian movement, led by John Hagee and other prominent pastors, began to focus on the Arch of Baal as a symbol of the End Times. They claimed that the arch was a representation of the biblical figure of Baal, a false god worshipped by the ancient Israelites. According to their interpretation, the arch's construction in 2015 in Washington D.C. as part of the "Pathways of Faith" exhibit was a sign of the approaching End Times.

End Times Prophecy:

The charismatic movement's interpretation of the Arch of Baal is based on their understanding of biblical prophecy, particularly in the book of Revelation. They believe that the arch's construction is a fulfillment of Revelation 9:20, which speaks of people worshiping the beast (Antichrist) and the image of the beast (Baal). They also point to Revelation 16:13-14, which mentions the worship of the beast and the false prophet.

Criticism and Controversy:

The charismatic movement's interpretation of the Arch of Baal has been met with criticism and controversy. Many scholars and experts have disputed the connection between the arch and the biblical figure of Baal, arguing that the arch is a Roman monument and not a symbol of the false god. Others have pointed out that the charismatic movement's interpretation is based on a flawed understanding of biblical prophecy and the book of Revelation.


The Arch of Baal has become a topic of interest in the charismatic movement due to its perceived connection to End Times prophecy. While some charismatic leaders have used the arch as a symbol of the approaching End Times, many scholars and experts have disputed this interpretation. Ultimately, the significance of the Arch of Baal remains a topic of debate and interpretation.