Charge to new deacons at ordination baptist

In the Baptist tradition, the charge to new deacons at ordination is typically a solemn and significant moment in the ceremony. Here is a sample charge that may be used:

Charge to Deacons

[Name], you have been called by God to serve as a deacon in this church. This is a sacred trust, and we gather today to ordain and commission you to this important ministry.

As a deacon, you will be a servant-leader among us, called to serve the needs of the church and the community. You will be a representative of Christ's love and care, and a witness to the gospel in word and deed.

As you take on this role, we charge you to:

As you embark on this journey, we remind you that you are not alone. You will be supported by the prayers and encouragement of this church, and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

May God bless you and empower you as you serve as a deacon in this church. May you be a shining example of Christ's love and care, and may your ministry bring glory to God.

Ordination Prayer

[Name], we now ordain and commission you as a deacon in this church. May God bless you and empower you for this ministry. May you be a faithful servant of Christ, and may your life be a testament to the power of God's love.


[Name], we commission you to serve as a deacon in this church. May you go forth in faith, trusting in God's guidance and provision. May you be a blessing to this church and to the community, and may your ministry bring glory to God.


By the authority vested in us, we ordain and commission [Name] as a deacon in this church. May God bless and guide you as you serve in this important ministry.