Characteristics of the old and new temples

Here are some characteristics of the old and new temples in Hinduism:

Old Temples (Pre-Modern Era)

  1. Simple architecture: Old temples were often simple structures with a single sanctum sanctorum (inner shrine) and a small pradakshina patha (circumambulatory path).
  2. Local materials: They were built using local materials such as stone, brick, and wood.
  3. Small size: Old temples were generally smaller in size, often with a single tower or shikhara.
  4. Limited ornamentation: They had limited ornamentation, with simple carvings and sculptures.
  5. Focus on deity: The primary focus was on the deity, with minimal emphasis on architecture or aesthetics.
  6. Community-based: Old temples were often community-based, with the local community playing a significant role in their construction, maintenance, and worship.

New Temples (Modern Era)

  1. Grand architecture: New temples are often grand structures with multiple shrines, towers, and intricate carvings.
  2. Use of modern materials: They are built using modern materials such as steel, concrete, and glass.
  3. Large size: New temples are generally larger in size, with multiple wings and sprawling complexes.
  4. Elaborate ornamentation: They feature elaborate ornamentation, including intricate carvings, sculptures, and ornate decorations.
  5. Emphasis on architecture: New temples often prioritize architecture and aesthetics, with a focus on creating a visually stunning structure.
  6. Global influence: New temples may incorporate global architectural styles and influences, reflecting the globalized nature of modern Hinduism.
  7. Commercialization: Some new temples have become commercial enterprises, with shops, restaurants, and other amenities catering to tourists and devotees.
  8. Technological integration: New temples may incorporate modern technology, such as audio-visual systems, digital displays, and online streaming.

It's worth noting that these are general characteristics, and there is a significant amount of variation within both old and new temples. Additionally, many modern temples have incorporated elements of traditional architecture and design, while still incorporating modern materials and technologies.