Characteristics of news release

A news release, also known as a press release, is a written statement that is distributed to the media and the public to share information about a particular event, product, service, or issue. Here are some common characteristics of a news release:

  1. Newsworthiness: A news release should be newsworthy, meaning it should be of interest to the public and the media.
  2. Clear and concise language: The language used in a news release should be clear, concise, and easy to understand.
  3. Objective tone: A news release should be written in an objective tone, avoiding bias and promotional language.
  4. Facts and figures: A news release should include facts and figures to support the story, such as statistics, quotes, and data.
  5. Attention-grabbing headline: A news release should have a attention-grabbing headline that summarizes the main point of the story.
  6. Summary or lead: A news release should have a summary or lead that provides an overview of the story and grabs the reader's attention.
  7. Body of the release: The body of the release should provide more detailed information about the story, including quotes, statistics, and background information.
  8. Contact information: A news release should include contact information for the person or organization issuing the release, such as a name, phone number, and email address.
  9. Media-friendly format: A news release should be written in a format that is easy for the media to use, including a standard layout and formatting.
  10. Timeliness: A news release should be issued in a timely manner, meaning it should be relevant and newsworthy at the time it is issued.
  11. Length: A news release should be concise and to the point, typically no longer than one to two pages.
  12. Use of quotes: A news release should include quotes from relevant individuals, such as experts or officials, to add depth and context to the story.
  13. Use of visuals: A news release should include visuals, such as photos or videos, to help illustrate the story and make it more engaging.
  14. Use of hyperlinks: A news release should include hyperlinks to additional information, such as websites or social media pages, to provide more context and resources.
  15. Proofreading and editing: A news release should be carefully proofread and edited to ensure it is error-free and polished.

By including these characteristics, a news release can effectively communicate information to the media and the public, and increase the chances of getting coverage in the media.