Charachteristics of a straight news

Here are some key characteristics of a straight news article:

  1. Objective tone: Straight news articles aim to present facts without expressing a personal opinion or bias.
  2. Factual reporting: The article focuses on reporting the facts of a situation, event, or issue, without interpretation or analysis.
  3. Neutral language: The language used is neutral and avoids emotive or sensationalist language.
  4. No opinion or commentary: The article does not include the author's opinion or commentary on the topic.
  5. No advocacy: The article does not advocate for a particular position or cause.
  6. No persuasive tone: The article does not try to persuade the reader to adopt a particular point of view.
  7. Focus on facts: The article focuses on presenting verifiable facts and information, rather than speculation or rumor.
  8. No emotional appeals: The article avoids using emotional appeals or sensationalist headlines to grab attention.
  9. No loaded language: The article avoids using language that is intentionally misleading or biased.
  10. Clear and concise writing: The article is written in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for readers to understand the information presented.
  11. No personal anecdotes: The article does not include personal anecdotes or experiences that may influence the reader's perspective.
  12. No hearsay or rumors: The article does not report on hearsay or rumors, but instead focuses on verifiable facts and information.
  13. No inflammatory language: The article avoids using language that is intentionally inflammatory or provocative.
  14. No bias towards a particular group: The article does not show bias towards a particular group, individual, or organization.
  15. Accurate and reliable sources: The article cites accurate and reliable sources to support the information presented.

By following these characteristics, a straight news article aims to provide a balanced and objective report of the facts, without influencing the reader's opinion or perspective.