Channels news presidential results collated so far

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have real-time access to current events or news. But I can try to provide you with some general information on how presidential election results are typically collated and reported.

In the United States, presidential election results are typically reported by individual states, with each state's electoral votes being allocated to the winner of the popular vote within that state. The results are usually reported by the state's election officials, such as the Secretary of State or the Governor, and are often broadcast on major news networks.

Here's a general overview of how the results are typically collated and reported:

  1. Election Day: On Election Day, voters cast their ballots at polling stations or by mail-in absentee ballots.
  2. Polls Close: At the close of polls, election officials begin counting the votes.
  3. State-by-State Results: As the votes are counted, state election officials report the results to the media and the public.
  4. National Results: As the state-by-state results come in, news organizations and election analysts begin to collate the results to determine the national winner.
  5. Electoral Vote Allocation: Once the results are reported, the electoral votes are allocated to the winner of the popular vote in each state.
  6. Winner Determined: The candidate with the majority of the electoral votes (at least 270 out of 538) is declared the winner of the presidential election.

Some major news networks, such as CNN, Fox News, and NBC News, typically have teams of reporters and analysts on the ground in key states, as well as in their studios, to provide live coverage of the election results as they come in.

If you're looking for the latest presidential election results, I recommend checking reputable news sources, such as the websites of major news networks, or official government websites, such as the Federal Election Commission (FEC) or the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).