Channels news pdp crises north east

You're referring to the recent political crisis in the North East region of Nigeria, particularly in the state of Bauchi, which has been making headlines on Channels Television and other news outlets.

To provide some context, the crisis began when the Bauchi State Governor, Bala Mohammed, dissolved the state's executive council, which led to a power struggle between the governor and the state's Deputy Governor, Baba Tela. The situation escalated when the Deputy Governor refused to hand over power to the Acting Governor, who was appointed by the Governor.

The crisis has led to a stalemate, with both sides refusing to back down. The situation has been further complicated by the involvement of security agencies, with reports of police and military personnel being deployed to the state to maintain order.

The crisis has also sparked concerns about the stability of the North East region, which has been plagued by insecurity and political instability in recent years. The region has been a hotbed of terrorist activity, with groups like Boko Haram and ISWAP carrying out frequent attacks on civilians and security forces.

The crisis has also raised questions about the role of the federal government in resolving the crisis, with some calling for the intervention of the President and the National Assembly to resolve the impasse.

Here are some key quotes and reactions from the crisis:

The crisis is ongoing, and it remains to be seen how it will be resolved. However, one thing is clear: the situation in Bauchi State is a major concern for the people of the North East region and the entire country.