Channels news on public holiday

A great question!

In the United States, CNN (Cable News Network) is a 24-hour cable news channel that typically operates on a regular schedule, including on public holidays. However, the channel may adjust its programming and schedule on certain holidays to accommodate special events, coverage, or programming.

Here are some examples of how CNN might adjust its programming on public holidays:

  1. Special coverage: CNN may provide extended coverage of a holiday-related event, such as a presidential address, a major sporting event, or a significant news development.
  2. Holiday-themed programming: The channel might air special holiday-themed programming, such as documentaries, specials, or live events, to celebrate the holiday.
  3. Reduced news coverage: In some cases, CNN might reduce its regular news programming on a holiday to focus on special events or programming.
  4. Re-runs or repeats: The channel might air re-runs or repeats of popular shows or documentaries on holidays, especially if there is no significant news or events to cover.

Some examples of public holidays when CNN might adjust its programming include:

Keep in mind that these are general guidelines, and CNN's programming schedule may vary depending on the specific holiday and the channel's priorities at the time.