Channels news on magu

You're looking for news on Magu, the former Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in Nigeria. Here are some recent news articles and updates on Magu:

Recent News Articles:

  1. "Magu's Sack: Presidency's Decision a Victory for Corruption - PDP" (Premium Times, July 2020) - The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has hailed the sack of Ibrahim Magu as a victory for the fight against corruption.
  2. "Magu's Sack: EFCC's Integrity Under Scrutiny" (This Day, July 2020) - The sack of Magu has raised questions about the integrity of the EFCC and its ability to fight corruption effectively.
  3. "Magu's Sack: A Blow to Anti-Corruption War" (The Nation, July 2020) - The sack of Magu has been described as a blow to the anti-corruption war in Nigeria, with many calling for a thorough investigation into the allegations against him.


  1. Magu was suspended as EFCC Chairman in July 2020 following allegations of corruption and abuse of office. He was subsequently replaced by Abdulrasheed Bawa, a new Chairman of the EFCC.
  2. Magu has denied all allegations of corruption and abuse of office, describing them as false and politically motivated.
  3. The Nigerian government has set up a panel to investigate the allegations against Magu, with a view to determining whether he should be prosecuted or cleared of any wrongdoing.


Ibrahim Magu was appointed as the Chairman of the EFCC in 2015 by President Muhammadu Buhari. During his tenure, Magu was known for his aggressive approach to fighting corruption, and was credited with recovering billions of naira in stolen funds. However, his tenure was also marked by controversy, with many criticizing his methods and accusing him of being selective in his pursuit of corrupt officials.

I hope this information is helpful!