Channels news on asup strike november 2017

Here are some news articles and videos from Channel NewsAsia on the ASUP strike in November 2017:

News Articles:

  1. "Philippines: ASUP strike enters 3rd day, affecting over 1 million students" (November 14, 2017)
    • This article reports on the third day of the strike by the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) and the University of the Philippines (UP) Faculty Union, which has affected over 1 million students.
  2. "Philippines: ASUP strike continues, government offers to negotiate" (November 16, 2017)
    • This article reports on the ongoing strike by the ASUP, which has entered its 10th day, and the government's offer to negotiate with the union.
  3. "Philippines: ASUP strike ends, classes to resume on Monday" (November 20, 2017)
    • This article reports on the end of the ASUP strike, which has affected over 1 million students, and the resumption of classes on Monday.


  1. "Philippines: ASUP strike enters 3rd day, students affected" (November 14, 2017)
    • This video report shows students affected by the strike, which has entered its third day.
  2. "Philippines: ASUP strike continues, government offers to negotiate" (November 16, 2017)
    • This video report shows the ongoing strike and the government's offer to negotiate with the union.
  3. "Philippines: ASUP strike ends, classes to resume on Monday" (November 20, 2017)
    • This video report shows the end of the strike and the resumption of classes on Monday.

Please note that these articles and videos are subject to availability and may not be accessible due to copyright restrictions.