Channels news on abuja corp member

You're looking for news about Corp members in Abuja on Channels TV. Here are a few recent articles:

  1. Corp Members in Abuja Protest Over Unpaid Allowances (February 2023)

A group of Corp members serving in Abuja have protested over the non-payment of their allowances. The protesters, who were seen carrying placards with inscriptions such as "Pay us our allowances" and "We are tired of being exploited," demanded that the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) authorities pay them their outstanding allowances.

Source: Channels TV News

  1. Abuja Corp Members Receive NYSC Allowances (January 2023)

In a rare display of prompt payment, Corp members serving in Abuja have received their allowances from the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). The payment, which was made possible by the efforts of the NYSC Director-General, Brigadier General Muhammad Fadah, has brought relief to the Corp members who had been waiting for several months.

Source: Channels TV News

  1. Corp Members in Abuja Engage in Community Development Projects (December 2022)

Corp members serving in Abuja have embarked on community development projects aimed at improving the lives of residents in the FCT. The projects, which include the construction of a primary school, a health center, and a water borehole, are part of the Corp members' three-week community development program.

Source: Channels TV News

  1. Abuja Corp Members Receive Training on Entrepreneurship (November 2022)

Corp members serving in Abuja have received training on entrepreneurship as part of the NYSC's efforts to empower them with skills that can help them become self-reliant after their service year. The training, which was organized by the NYSC in collaboration with the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), covered topics such as business planning, marketing, and financial management.

Source: Channels TV News

These are just a few examples of news articles about Corp members in Abuja on Channels TV. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find it!