Channels news eye witness registration

You're referring to the Channel NewsAsia (CNA) Eyewitness Registration process!

For those who may not know, CNA is a Singaporean English-language news channel that provides in-depth coverage of regional and international news. As part of their commitment to accuracy and transparency, they have implemented an Eyewitness Registration process to verify the identities of individuals who provide eyewitness accounts or testimony for their news stories.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to register as an eyewitness with CNA:


Registration Process:

  1. Fill out the online registration form: Go to the CNA website ( and click on the "Eyewitness Registration" link. Fill out the online form with your personal details, including your name, contact information, and a brief description of the event or incident you witnessed.
  2. Provide supporting documentation: You may be asked to provide supporting documentation, such as photos, videos, or police reports, to verify your account.
  3. Wait for verification: CNA's editorial team will review your registration and verify your identity and the accuracy of your account.
  4. Participate in an interview: If your registration is approved, you will be contacted by a CNA journalist to conduct an interview to gather more information about the event or incident you witnessed.


By registering as an eyewitness with CNA, you can help ensure that the news is reported accurately and fairly, and that your voice is heard.