Channels news edo assembly fight

You're referring to the recent drama that unfolded at the Edo State House of Assembly!

For those who may not be aware, the Edo State House of Assembly has been embroiled in a controversy involving the Speaker, Frank Okiye, and some members of the assembly. The drama unfolded on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, when some members of the assembly, led by the Deputy Speaker, Yekini Pogo, attempted to impeach the Speaker, Frank Okiye.

According to reports, the crisis started when some members of the assembly accused the Speaker of mismanaging the assembly's funds and failing to carry them along in the decision-making process. The Deputy Speaker, Yekini Pogo, led a group of 14 members who signed a petition calling for the Speaker's removal.

However, the Speaker, Frank Okiye, refused to step down, citing the lack of a quorum to conduct the impeachment proceedings. The situation escalated, with both sides trading accusations and insults.

The drama was captured on live television by Channels Television, which was covering the proceedings. The footage showed the Speaker and his supporters trying to prevent the Deputy Speaker and his group from accessing the assembly's chambers.

The crisis has sparked widespread debate and concern in Nigeria, with many calling for calm and a peaceful resolution to the crisis. The Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki, has also weighed in on the matter, urging the assembly members to resolve their differences peacefully.

It's worth noting that the Edo State House of Assembly has been plagued by internal conflicts and power struggles in recent years, which have hindered its ability to function effectively. The current crisis is just the latest in a series of controversies that have rocked the assembly.

I hope this summary helps! Do you have any specific questions about the crisis or would you like me to provide more context?