Channel tv news on asuu strike

Here are some TV news channels that have reported on the ASUU strike:

  1. Channels Television: "ASUU Strike: Lecturers Begin Indefinite Strike" (September 2020)
    • "The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has embarked on an indefinite strike, citing the federal government's failure to meet its demands."
  2. Nigerian Television Authority (NTA): "ASUU Strike: Students Suffer as Lecturers Remain at Home" (October 2020)
    • "The strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has entered its second week, leaving students in limbo as they await a resolution."
  3. African Independent Television (AIT): "ASUU Strike: FG, ASUU Meet Again, No Agreement Reached" (November 2020)
    • "The federal government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) have met again, but no agreement was reached on the ongoing strike."
  4. Arise News: "ASUU Strike: Students Protest in Abuja, Demand End to Strike" (December 2020)
    • "Students from various universities in Abuja have taken to the streets to protest the ongoing strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU)."
  5. Premium Times TV: "ASUU Strike: FG, ASUU Agree to Meet Again, Strike Continues" (January 2021)
    • "The federal government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) have agreed to meet again, but the strike will continue until a resolution is reached."
  6. TV Continental: "ASUU Strike: Lecturers, Students Suffer as Strike Enters 10th Week" (February 2021)
    • "The strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has entered its 10th week, causing hardship for both lecturers and students."
  7. RayPower TV: "ASUU Strike: FG, ASUU Meet Again, No Agreement Reached" (March 2021)
    • "The federal government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) have met again, but no agreement was reached on the ongoing strike."

These are just a few examples of TV news channels that have reported on the ASUU strike. There are many other channels that have also covered the story.