Channel television news at 10 sound of music

What a unique combination!

Here's a possible script for a TV news broadcast at 10 PM, with a twist:

[Intro music plays, followed by the anchor, a cheerful and energetic individual]

Anchor: "Good evening, I'm [Name], and welcome to our evening news broadcast at 10 PM! We've got a special treat for you tonight, as we combine the world of television news with the timeless classic, The Sound of Music!

[Cut to a montage of news clips, set to the iconic music of The Sound of Music]

Anchor: "We're starting with a story from the world of politics, where a group of politicians are singing 'Do-Re-Mi' in a bid to win over voters. It's a unique campaign strategy, but will it work?

[Cut to an interview with a political analyst]

Analyst: "Well, it's certainly a creative approach, but ultimately, it's the policies that matter. The voters want to know what these politicians plan to do for them, not just how well they can sing."

Anchor: "And in sports news, the local soccer team is gearing up for the big game, with a rendition of 'My Favorite Things' to get them pumped up. Will it be enough to bring home the win?

[Cut to an interview with the soccer team's coach]

Coach: "Music has always been a big part of our team's culture. It helps us bond and get focused. We're hoping it will give us an edge on the field tonight."

Anchor: "And finally, in entertainment news, a new musical is coming to town, featuring a medley of Rodgers and Hammerstein classics. We spoke with the lead actress, who told us about the experience of performing in this iconic show.

[Cut to an interview with the lead actress]

Actress: "It's an honor to be a part of this production. The music is just incredible, and the audience is always so enthusiastic. We're all just thrilled to be a part of it."

[Outro music plays, and the anchor returns on screen]

Anchor: "That's all for tonight, folks! Thanks for joining us for our special Sound of Music-themed news broadcast. Until next time, goodnight, and remember to always 'So Long, Farewell' to the news!"

[The camera cuts to black as the theme music continues to play]