Channel news today on education in lagos state

Here are some recent news articles and updates on education in Lagos State, Nigeria:

News Articles:

  1. Lagos State Government Launches New Education Policy (Channels Television, March 2023)

The Lagos State Government has launched a new education policy aimed at improving the quality of education in the state. The policy, which is expected to be implemented in all public schools, focuses on promoting inclusive education, improving teacher training, and increasing access to education for all.

  1. Lagos State Government to Establish 1,000 New Primary Schools (Punch Newspaper, February 2023)

The Lagos State Government has announced plans to establish 1,000 new primary schools across the state. The move is aimed at increasing access to education for children in the state and reducing the burden on existing schools.

  1. Lagos State Government to Introduce Vocational Education in Schools (Vanguard Newspaper, January 2023)

The Lagos State Government has announced plans to introduce vocational education in schools across the state. The move is aimed at equipping students with skills that can help them secure employment after graduation.


  1. Lagos State Government to Conduct Mass Promotion of Students (Lagos State Government, March 2023)

The Lagos State Government has announced plans to conduct a mass promotion of students in public schools across the state. The move is aimed at reducing the burden on students and promoting academic excellence.

  1. Lagos State Government to Establish Education Trust Fund (Lagos State Government, February 2023)

The Lagos State Government has announced plans to establish an education trust fund aimed at providing financial support to students in need. The fund is expected to be managed by a board of trustees and will provide scholarships and other forms of financial assistance to students.

  1. Lagos State Government to Introduce Digital Literacy in Schools (Lagos State Government, January 2023)

The Lagos State Government has announced plans to introduce digital literacy in schools across the state. The move is aimed at equipping students with the skills they need to succeed in a digital age.

Recent Developments:

  1. Lagos State Government Launches Education Website (Lagos State Government, March 2023)

The Lagos State Government has launched a new website aimed at providing information on education in the state. The website will provide information on education policies, programs, and initiatives, as well as resources for students, parents, and teachers.

  1. Lagos State Government to Host Education Summit (Lagos State Government, February 2023)

The Lagos State Government has announced plans to host an education summit aimed at promoting education in the state. The summit will bring together stakeholders in the education sector to discuss ways to improve education in the state.

  1. Lagos State Government to Establish Education Research Institute (Lagos State Government, January 2023)

The Lagos State Government has announced plans to establish an education research institute aimed at promoting research in education. The institute will provide a platform for researchers to conduct studies on education and develop solutions to education challenges in the state.

I hope this information is helpful!