Channel 7 breaking news



[Urgent music plays in the background]

Anchor: "We interrupt your regular programming to bring you this breaking news. Reports are coming in of a massive fire engulfing a high-rise building in the heart of downtown. The blaze is believed to have started on the 20th floor and has spread rapidly, with flames and smoke billowing out of the windows.

Eyewitnesses describe the scene as 'apocalyptic', with people running for their lives and emergency responders rushing to the scene.

"We were just walking down the street when we saw the building on fire," said one eyewitness. "It was like nothing I've ever seen before. The flames were so high, they were licking the sky."

The cause of the fire is still unknown, but officials say they are investigating all possible sources.

"We urge everyone in the area to stay away from the building and to follow the instructions of local authorities," said the fire chief.

We will bring you updates as more information becomes available.


[Cut to live footage of the fire, with flames and smoke visible]

Anchor: "We're going live now to our correspondent in the field, who is on the scene. Can you tell us more about what's happening?"

Correspondent: "Thank you, Bob. I'm here outside the burning building, and it's a chaotic scene. Emergency responders are working to evacuate the building, but it's a slow process due to the intensity of the fire.

I've spoken to eyewitnesses who say they saw people jumping from the upper floors to escape the flames. It's a miracle that no one has been reported killed so far, but the situation is still very dangerous.

The fire department is working to contain the blaze, but it's a massive challenge. The building is a high-rise, and the flames are spreading quickly.

We'll continue to bring you updates as more information becomes available. Back to you in the studio."

[Cut back to the anchor]

Anchor: "Thank you, John. We'll continue to follow this developing story and bring you updates as more information becomes available. In the meantime, our thoughts are with the people affected by this devastating fire."