Champion breweries new bottle

You're referring to the new bottle design from Champion Brewing Company!

Champion Brewing Company, a popular craft brewery based in Richmond, Virginia, has recently introduced a new bottle design for their beers. The new design features a modern and sleek look, with a focus on showcasing the brewery's brand identity and the unique characteristics of each beer.

Here are some key features of the new bottle design:

  1. Clean and Simple Design: The new design features a clean and simple aesthetic, with a focus on bold typography and a limited color palette.
  2. Champion Logo: The Champion Brewing Company logo is prominently displayed on the front of the bottle, with a bold and modern font.
  3. Beer Name and Style: The name of the beer and its style are displayed prominently on the front of the bottle, making it easy to identify the beer.
  4. Label Design: The label design is minimalistic, with a focus on showcasing the beer's ingredients, brewing process, and tasting notes.
  5. Glass Bottle: The new bottles are made from high-quality glass, which provides a premium feel and helps to preserve the beer's flavor and aroma.

The new bottle design is a significant update for Champion Brewing Company, and it's expected to help the brewery stand out in a crowded craft beer market. The design is modern, sophisticated, and easy to read, making it a great fit for the brewery's brand identity.

What do you think of the new bottle design? Do you have a favorite Champion Brewing Company beer that you're excited to try in the new bottle?