Challenges of oral literature in new media pdf

Here is a PDF on the challenges of oral literature in new media:

Title: Challenges of Oral Literature in New Media


Oral literature, which has been a vital part of human culture for centuries, is facing new challenges in the digital age. The rise of new media has created opportunities for oral literature to reach a wider audience, but it has also raised concerns about the preservation, transmission, and authenticity of oral traditions. This paper explores the challenges of oral literature in new media, including the impact of digital technology on oral storytelling, the role of social media in preserving oral traditions, and the need for new strategies for preserving and transmitting oral literature.


Oral literature has been a vital part of human culture for centuries, with stories, songs, and poems being passed down from generation to generation through oral tradition. However, the rise of new media has created new challenges for oral literature, including the need to adapt to new technologies and platforms, the risk of cultural homogenization, and the need to preserve and transmit oral traditions in a rapidly changing world.

The Impact of Digital Technology on Oral Storytelling:

The rise of digital technology has had a significant impact on oral storytelling, with many oral traditions being recorded and disseminated through digital media. While this has created new opportunities for oral literature to reach a wider audience, it has also raised concerns about the authenticity and cultural relevance of oral traditions in the digital age.

The Role of Social Media in Preserving Oral Traditions:

Social media has played a significant role in preserving oral traditions, with many oral storytellers using platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to share their stories and connect with audiences around the world. However, social media has also raised concerns about the commercialization and commodification of oral traditions, as well as the risk of cultural appropriation and misrepresentation.

The Need for New Strategies for Preserving and Transmitting Oral Literature:

The rise of new media has created a need for new strategies for preserving and transmitting oral literature. This includes the development of new technologies and platforms for recording and disseminating oral traditions, as well as the need for new approaches to cultural preservation and transmission.


The challenges of oral literature in new media are complex and multifaceted, and require a nuanced understanding of the impact of digital technology on oral storytelling and the role of social media in preserving oral traditions. By developing new strategies for preserving and transmitting oral literature, we can ensure the continued vitality and relevance of oral traditions in the digital age.

