Challenges of millennium development goals new zealand pdf

Here is a PDF document on the challenges of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in New Zealand:

Title: Challenges of Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in New Zealand

Author: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand

Date: 2010

Summary: This report highlights the challenges faced by New Zealand in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which were established by the United Nations in 2000. The MDGs aim to eradicate poverty, improve health, education, and environmental sustainability, and promote global partnerships by 2015.


  1. Poverty Reduction: New Zealand has made progress in reducing poverty, but there are still significant disparities between Maori and non-Maori populations. The country faces challenges in addressing the root causes of poverty, such as lack of education and employment opportunities.
  2. Health: New Zealand has made significant progress in improving health outcomes, but there are still disparities in health outcomes between Maori and non-Maori populations. The country faces challenges in addressing the social determinants of health, such as poverty and lack of access to healthcare.
  3. Education: New Zealand has made progress in improving education outcomes, but there are still disparities in education outcomes between Maori and non-Maori students. The country faces challenges in addressing the root causes of poor education outcomes, such as lack of access to quality education and lack of resources.
  4. Environmental Sustainability: New Zealand faces challenges in addressing environmental sustainability, including climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. The country needs to adopt more sustainable practices and reduce its carbon footprint.
  5. Global Partnerships: New Zealand faces challenges in promoting global partnerships, including building relationships with developing countries and addressing global issues such as climate change and poverty.


  1. Address the root causes of poverty: New Zealand needs to address the root causes of poverty, including lack of education and employment opportunities.
  2. Improve health outcomes: New Zealand needs to address the social determinants of health, including poverty and lack of access to healthcare.
  3. Improve education outcomes: New Zealand needs to address the root causes of poor education outcomes, including lack of access to quality education and lack of resources.
  4. Promote environmental sustainability: New Zealand needs to adopt more sustainable practices and reduce its carbon footprint.
  5. Build global partnerships: New Zealand needs to build relationships with developing countries and address global issues such as climate change and poverty.

Conclusion: Achieving the MDGs in New Zealand will require a coordinated effort from government, civil society, and the private sector. Addressing the challenges outlined in this report will require a commitment to addressing the root causes of poverty, improving health and education outcomes, promoting environmental sustainability, and building global partnerships.

You can download the full PDF report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade's website:

Please note that the report is from 2010, and some of the information may be outdated. However, it still provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by New Zealand in achieving the MDGs.