Chafacteristic of the new born

Here are some characteristic features of a newborn baby:

Physical Characteristics:

  1. Soft and fragile skin: Newborn skin is soft, delicate, and prone to bruising.
  2. Red and wrinkled skin: Newborn skin is often red and wrinkled due to the lack of fat and skin elasticity.
  3. Small and delicate features: Newborns have small, delicate features, including small eyes, nose, and mouth.
  4. Tiny hands and feet: Newborn hands and feet are small and delicate.
  5. Short and curved fingers and toes: Newborn fingers and toes are short and curved.

Behavioral Characteristics:

  1. Sleepy and sleepy: Newborns sleep a lot, often up to 16-20 hours a day.
  2. Fussy and irritable: Newborns can be fussy and irritable due to the adjustment to the outside world.
  3. Hungry and thirsty: Newborns need to feed frequently, often every 2-3 hours.
  4. Curious and alert: Newborns are curious and alert, often responding to sounds and movements.
  5. Uncoordinated and clumsy: Newborns are still learning to control their movements and may appear uncoordinated and clumsy.

Other Characteristics:

  1. Small and light: Newborns are small and light, typically weighing between 5-8 pounds (2.3-3.6 kg).
  2. High-pitched cry: Newborns have a high-pitched cry that is often loud and piercing.
  3. Unusual reflexes: Newborns have unusual reflexes, such as the rooting reflex (when they turn their head towards a nipple) and the sucking reflex (when they suck on a finger or object).
  4. Limited vision: Newborns have limited vision, with a range of about 8-12 inches (20-30 cm).
  5. Limited hearing: Newborns have limited hearing, with a range of about 20-40 decibels.

Developmental Milestones:

  1. Lifting head while on stomach: Newborns typically lift their head while on their stomach around 1-2 weeks old.
  2. Bringing hands to midline: Newborns typically bring their hands to the midline of their body around 2-3 weeks old.
  3. Smiling and laughing: Newborns typically start smiling and laughing around 4-6 weeks old.
  4. Responding to sounds: Newborns typically start responding to sounds around 2-3 weeks old.
  5. Starting to track objects: Newborns typically start tracking objects with their eyes around 4-6 weeks old.

Keep in mind that every baby is unique, and these characteristics may vary from one baby to another. If you have concerns about your baby's development or health, it's always best to consult with your pediatrician.