Cgi sys suspendedpage.cgi?s=sabc

A classic!

suspendedpage.cgi is a CGI script that is commonly used in older web applications, particularly in the early days of the web. It's designed to handle situations where a user's session is suspended or timed out, and the script is responsible for redirecting the user to a "suspended" or "timed out" page.

The ?s=sabc part is likely a query string parameter that contains the session ID or some other identifier that the script uses to determine which user's session is being suspended.

When a user's session is suspended, the script will typically display a page that informs the user that their session has been suspended and may require them to log in again or perform some other action to resume their session.

In modern web applications, this type of functionality is often handled by more sophisticated session management systems, such as those built into web frameworks like Ruby on Rails or Django. However, older applications may still use scripts like suspendedpage.cgi to manage session suspension and timeout handling.